MORE AND MORE... (2008)

Fifteen-page image/poem created in collaboration with Jen Hofer for Area Sneaks, a journal edited by Rita Gonzales and Joseph Mosconi. Here facing pages are shown together as one sees them when looking at the open book.

Our collaboration began in mid-2008 on multiple projects that involve a dynamic conversational process. We began by simultaneously sending a missive to the other (Jen’s in the form of text, Hillary’s in the form of image(s)). Each of us then responded to the other’s instigation in our “lingua franca,” sending the new installment back for further response from the other, and so on; the pieces accrue heft, substance and complexity as we worked. The images and text accumulated over several weeks were then used as the source for creating an integrated image/text work. The process activated the intricate, intimate relationship between interpretation, translation, and representation of ideas, with a focus on everyday landscapes of American empire.